Spittal Village Hall, Spittal, Caithness, KW1 5XR
Scottish Charity Number: SCO12341
Spittal Village Hall
t: 01847 841391
e: info@spittalvillagehall.uk
Booking Secretary - Lynne Read
Spittal Village Hall is set on the edge of Caithness moorland, located directly on the A9 between
Latheron (13 miles) and Thurso (9 miles), in the village of Spittal.
The catchment area for AGM
While all are welcome to attend our AGM which is generally held in December, residents of
Spittal, Mybster, Toftingall and Achalone over the age of 18 are eligible to cast a vote.
The wider community and friends and family are welcome to attend events and activities taking
place at the village hall.
Car parking at the hall
Private car parking is available at the front of the hall for approximately 30 cars with additional
overspill at the rear. It is essential to keep the shared drive clear and all attendees are politely
asked to be mindful of neighbours if leaving the hall late at night.
The Managing Committee
While Spittal Village Hall is held in Trust for the community, it is managed by volunteers who
reside in the villages of the catchment area who make up the managing committee.
Chairman: Eddie Rowan
Vice Chair: Darren Silverton
Treasurer: Lynne Read
Events Coordinator: June Rowan
Committee member: Jackie Sinclair
Committee member: Elsie Fraser
Committee member: Linda Levack WI rep.
Other valued volunteers undertake maintenance tasks, ground works and H&S duties.
Home baking, sandwich making, floral arrangements, photocopying, Team Clean!
If you’re able to help in any way, please do get in touch with anyone on the committee.