Spittal Village Hall, Spittal, Caithness, KW1 5XR
Scottish Charity Number: SCO12341
What’s On
Friday 7th March 2025
An Introduction to NEW AGE KURLING!
Come and join us and try your hand at indoor Kurling on a hard floor!
Kindly presented to us by Ormlie Community Association. From 6pm.
Free of charge, if you have a good time a wee donation towards heating costs is always appreciated!
Saturday 15th March 2025
A community walk at Sibster Burn.
Meet at the hall for 10.50am if you’d like a lift, leaving at 10.55am.
Or meet at Sibster Burn Carpark for 11am. Back at the hall for just after noon for soup and savoury scones
or a taster of Haggis, neeps and tatties! All are welcome.
Wednesday evenings
Our drop-in Just Crafting Around meet up from 7pm - 9pm in the Community Suite, all are welcome, bring
along any craft you’re working on or just come along and meet your neighbours for tea and biscuits.
Thursday evenings
Line Dancing in the main hall from 7pm - 9pm, come along and join this lively group, newcomers are always
Monthly on a Monday evening
Spittal WI hold meetings at 7.30pm on the 2nd Monday of each month from September through to the spring,
with outing(s) during the summer months.
Monthly Saturday Social evening from 7pm
On the LAST Saturday of each month, the community are invited to come along to the village hall for a social
meet-up. BYO alcohol or soft drinks and nibbles. £2.50 per adult (children and young people under 18 foc).
Hot drinks or juice are freely available, just help yourself from the kitchen.
Meet neighbours and make new friends, they’ll be darts, pool, air hockey, table tennis, board games and other
activities. There’s often a jigsaw (work in progress)! Come alone or bring family & friends, all are welcome.
February ‘25 - Calligraphy workshop - Learning is fun!
A quiet time in the Community Suite, mastering calligraphy and all things cursive or just enjoying a wee
doodle with ink! Space and equipment is limited, call or email to check availability. Tuesdays 2pm - 4pm.
March ‘25 - Charity Afternoon Tea, community fundraiser
Reservations for Prosecco Afternoon Tea on 22nd March, 2pm - 4pm. Nozecco for the drivers! £15 p.p.
Raffle will be held on the day in aid of BLISS SCOTLAND - Charity to support babies born premature or sick.
April ‘25 - Community raised bed gardening project
Look out for the start date, our communithy gardening club will start in the spring, growing for the community!
All are welcome, refreshments for the growers in the hall.